Our Technology in Signal Hill

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Combining Eye Care & Technology

Technology is constantly evolving, and our team is frequently looking for ways to incorporate technology into our eye care services. 

From our dry eye treatment services like the iLux® device to detailed retinal imaging for our eye exams, we want your experience to be as efficient and informative as possible. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment and learn more about your eyes and vision through our technology.

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Capturing the Details

Our eye exams are about more than just updating your prescription—we also take a closer look at your eyes and vision through retinal imaging.

Our digital imaging allows us to check for signs of eye disease and other vision issues. Our retinal imaging can benefit any patient, but especially those with high blood pressure, diabetes, or eye-related issues in their background.

Explore Our Technology

When you visit us for your appointment, you can expect our technology to be implemented throughout your experience. Our team strives to constantly evolve and find new ways to maximize your eye care experience.


iLux® is an innovative treatment method for dry eyes. iLux® uses light-based heat that warms blocked glands to a safe temperature to help soften and release oils and express meibomian (oil) glands in meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).

Find more information on the iLux® device on our dry eye page.

Digital retinal imaging allows our team to take quick, noninvasive, detailed images of your eye. These high-resolution images allow us to examine hard-to-see details and check for signs of eye diseases like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and more.

Retinal imaging is another way for our team to provide a comprehensive eye care experience when you visit us.

Prioritizing Your Eye Health

Your eye health is a priority, and when you visit us, you can expect comprehensive eye care with innovative technology to address your eye care needs.

Contact us to schedule your next eye exam and see our technology in action.

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  • 268 Stewart Green SW
  • Calgary, AB T3H 3C8

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Our Blogs

Can You Wear Contacts With Pink Eye?  

Contact Lenses, Eye Conditions, Eye Health

During pink eye flare-ups, ditching your contact lenses for eyeglasses is strongly advised. Switching to glasses helps prevent further discomfort and reinfection, and promotes further healing.
Once the infection has cleared and you’ve been given the green light to continue wearing contacts by your eye doctor, it’s vital to dispose of any contaminated lenses. Use a fresh new pair, and practice proper contact lens care.

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October 22, 2024
Focus West Optometry

Dry Eye Disease: Could Your Contacts Be the Cause?

Contact Lenses, Dry Eye Treatment, Eye Health

While contact lenses can offer incredible convenience and clarity, they can also be the culprit behind dry eye disease. […]

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September 12, 2024
Focus West Optometry

How Eye Exams Can Help Address Learning Difficulties in Children

Comprehensive Eye Exams, Eye Health

Often, the answer lies in a child’s ability to learn or in their eye health. It’s important to explore any vision changes that may contribute to learning difficulties during your child’s next eye exam. […]

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August 27, 2024
Focus West Optometry
An individual's right eye is covered by their hand while their left eye is red, irritated, and remains uncovered.

During pink eye flare-ups, ditching your contact lenses for eyeglasses is strongly advised. Switching to glasses helps prevent further discomfort and reinfection, and promotes further healing.
Once the infection has cleared and you’ve been given the green light to continue wearing contacts by your eye doctor, it’s vital to dispose of any contaminated lenses. Use a fresh new pair, and practice proper contact lens care.

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A person working at their laptop pinches their eyes due to discomfort from dry eye.

While contact lenses can offer incredible convenience and clarity, they can also be the culprit behind dry eye disease. […]

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Young patient and her mother with eye doctor at clinic for eye exam to help address learning difficulties.

Often, the answer lies in a child’s ability to learn or in their eye health. It’s important to explore any vision changes that may contribute to learning difficulties during your child’s next eye exam. […]

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