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  • 268 Stewart Green SW
  • Calgary, AB T3H 3C8

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Our Blogs

Dry Eye Disease: Could Your Contacts Be the Cause?

Contact Lenses, Dry Eye Treatment, Eye Health

While contact lenses can offer incredible convenience and clarity, they can also be the culprit behind dry eye disease. […]

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September 12, 2024
Focus West Optometry

How Eye Exams Can Help Address Learning Difficulties in Children

Comprehensive Eye Exams, Eye Health

Often, the answer lies in a child’s ability to learn or in their eye health. It’s important to explore any vision changes that may contribute to learning difficulties during your child’s next eye exam. […]

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August 27, 2024
Focus West Optometry

5 Tips to Slow Myopia Progression in Kids


There are 5 ways to slow myopia progression in kids:
Diet and nutrition
Spending time outdoors
Specialty lenses
Regular eye exams

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August 8, 2024
Focus West Optometry
A person working at their laptop pinches their eyes due to discomfort from dry eye.

While contact lenses can offer incredible convenience and clarity, they can also be the culprit behind dry eye disease. […]

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Young patient and her mother with eye doctor at clinic for eye exam to help address learning difficulties.

Often, the answer lies in a child’s ability to learn or in their eye health. It’s important to explore any vision changes that may contribute to learning difficulties during your child’s next eye exam. […]

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A little girl in a blue sweater covering one eye and pointing during an eye exam.

There are 5 ways to slow myopia progression in kids:
Diet and nutrition
Spending time outdoors
Specialty lenses
Regular eye exams

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